When Life Happens...

Since I've been idled from my Blogger... and since I am a fan of list ...here's a list of things I've been doing since my absence:

  1. Adult coloring pages (paisleys are my choice)
  2. Spending time with family
  3. Learning to play Yu-Gi-Oh (future topic)
  4. Reading Robert Greene (all of them)
  5. Workshops
  6. Making crafts
  7. Using recipes (for disaster)
  8. and...working on articles
and... meditating

          After coming across Robert Greene's book Mastery and following Veronica Louis (a fellow young writer like myself) I decided to start the 10,000 hour challenge of Mastering my ability of writing. Some would say I am a protege' type but honestly practice still makes perfect (in my most humble demeanor). I would love for my writing to mature with me through adulthood. In order to do this... I would have to do quite a bit of reading; this might be agony but very doable when it doesn't matter the reading material.

         Books on astrology, a Spanish language course, and family weddings is what I have planned for the rest of the year. Here are some links that can give you a clue to what kind of blog posts to look forward to...

Robert Greene
Veronica Louis
Writers Digest

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